Fellow Hoyme Junior Counselor Will Carlson and I went on a Classics trip to Greece! Our class studied the ancient Greeks and Romans. We supplemented our studies with visits to archaeological sites in cities such as Athens, Corinth, Sparta, Olympia and Delphi. Here we have climbed to the top of Wolf Mountain in Athens, which overlooks the entire city! -Alexandra Garrett, Hoyme
Here I am at the Gateway of India in Mumbai, which I felt that over the course of my interim abroad I was able to cross over into a deeper understanding of the culture in India as I visited sacred sites and learned more about the many religions in India. -Hannah Trumm, Hill-Kitt
Over interim I went to Ecuador! The class I took was called "Social and Political Transformation in Ecuador." We got the chance to learn about the new Constitution Ecuador has and how it is affecting the people there, along with what social movements exist and what type of work they are doing to help facilitate change in Ecuador. I got to stay with an amazing family and it was a great opportunity to not only improve my Spanish but to learn first-hand about a different culture and build a relationship that I know will last forever! We got to visit indigenous communities and learn about the indigenous lifestyle and how discrimination has made political action difficult at times for these groups. We also spent time in the Amazon rain forest and did lots of hiking to experience the amazing biodiversity Ecuador has to offer. This trip was one of the best experiences I've ever had and my cultural perspective has really broadened - I definitely plan to go back in the future and live "el buen vivir" in Ecuador! -Lindsay Kubina, Mohn

I stayed very busy with wrestling this interim, and I am having a fantastic year so far! As far as class went it really wasn't my favorite, but I survived and now it's on to 2nd semester! This is of one of my wrestling matches in Skoglund.
-Ryan Timmerman, Larson

The Hill Kitt staff cheered on the Ole mens' basketball team as they defeated the Gusties! UM YAH YAH - right Ali?! Ali (our AC) and Charlie Potts were cheering for the Gusties but unfortunately for them, they did not prevail. Oh well...

During Interim, I was in India, studying the art of sacred sites, including Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Buddhist, and Christian sites. This picture was taken at the Taj Mahal in Agra. I had a wonderful time, and I miss the food already! -Jenny Nygren

If you have a picture you still want to share...just send it our way! :)