Some pictures from Spring Training 2009...The Ellingson staff talking about expectations with Kate:

The Hill Kitt staff discussing their choices for their RA staff with Emily:

Ellingson staff members talking about their heroes:

The Hoyme staff hard at work during the RA staff selection exercise:

Mohn and Rand staffs. Chillin'.

The Larson & Mellby staffs talking about Heroes & Villains:

Ellie, Elizabeth, Jared, Wes & Emily discussing the RA selection exercise:

An intense Joe Kemper leading the Mellby & Hoyme staffs in Expectations Archery:

A possibly more intense Will McLean doing the same...

Andrew Fjerstad talking about Heroes & Villains with the Ytterboe staff:

Thank you for a great evening of Spring Training! The Student Hall Coordinators, Area Coordinators, Pamela and I (Charlie) very much look forward to a great year with you!
Have fun in your staff meetings over the next couple of weeks!