Our first "Student Staff Spotlight!" honorees are Ted Eschweiler & Andrew Fjerstad, who keep a watchful (but friendly) eye on their residents on the ground floor of Kittelsby.

Name: Ted Eschweiler & Andrew Fjerstad
1. Why did you decide to become a (JC/RA...)?
A: We actually both decided for the same reason. We were at the French House one night talking to our old JC Paul, who recommended that we become JCs. He said how fun it was, and that we would meet great people.
T: We had a great experience with Paul as our JC so that positively influenced us.
2. What have you done to get to know the residents in your corridor?
A: Corridor events, events with the females of Hill-Kitt… I like to just walk through the hall, even on my way to do laundry and see how the guys are doing.
T: I have spent a lot of time on StalkerNet to become familiar with their faces.
3. If you could be a part of any TV sitcom family, which would you choose?
T: The Bluths from Arrested Development. That would be hilarious to be a part of.
A: I wish The Office characters were a family. But since they aren’t, I have to say the Bluths too.
4. What has been the most rewarding part of your res. life experience so far?
A: Having our residents tell us they like us. We really mesh as a floor.
T: There is mutual acceptance and respect on our floor. So far so good!
5. What is the best program you have been a part of?
Although the Scavenger Hunt and Jesse James Days excursion were fun, nothing beats the Cheer War. Hill-Kitt was awesome, as were the other halls. It made the Kildahl Awkward Dance really fun too.
6. What kind of marine animal would you be and why?
T: [without hesitation] The Narwhal because it’s the unicorn of the sea.
A: Since Ted took my answer, I will say a manatee, because it’s big, cuddly, and friendly.